Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Restructuring in China Packaging Industry: Green Packaging Develops as a Growing Trend

Recently, “Quality Month” campaigns have been carried out in some provinces in China. Local quality supervision departments have conducted spot checks on retail packaging for food, beverages, alcohol, tea, cigarettes,medicines, health products, cosmetics and other commodities that are selling well. According to industry insiders, with the increasing environmental awareness, green packaging has become a trend. The market for pollutional materials keep shrinking, while packaging and printing companies accelerated their transformation, making product packaging gradually move toward green & environment friendly.

Since the introduction of new “Packaging Regulations” in China, the packaging industry has undergone continuous deep restructuring. Some data show that about 55% of packaging related companies realize that a positive environmental image is very important for their future development; 70% of companies believe that consumer demand, value and recyclable signs on the packaging are important in their marketing activities. Compared with developed countries, China's current color gift box packaging market is far from maturing. While there’s no specific definition for cardboard gift box packaging yet, companies have no accurate understanding of the scope of color it.

A company executive said, the essence of their newly introduced printing platform is to, help accurately understand the scope of cardboardgift box packaging segment the packaging markets, grow a strong brand. While at the same time, the environmental protection measures will be put into practice, using high-quality green materials and advanced pollution-free printing technology.

According to industry insiders, cardboard gift boxpackaging, as an environmentally friendly, cost-effective and mature packaging form, has an infinite development prospect. And with the rapid consumption growth boosted by China’s sustained economic growth, environment-friendly packaging will have a bright future.

What is green packaging?

Green Packaging means pollution-free or Environmental Friendly Packaging, which refers to packaging that is harmless to the ecological environment and human health, can be reused and regenerated, and is in line with sustainable development. This concept contains two implications: one is to protect the environment, and the other to conserve resources.

Innove is a leading custom cardboard gift boxes supplier from China, offering various fancy setup gift box packaging products and custom box designs service. The product lines include personalized odd shaped boxes, round boxes, square boxes, rectangular boxes, telescoping boxes, shoulder boxes, cardboard drawer boxes, collapsible gift boxes, explosion gift boxes, cardboard window boxes, nesting gift boxes sets, etc.

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